Tarihte Bugün TB Eurovision Sertab Erener ile Türkiye 1. Oldu

25 Mayıs 2003 / 21 yıl önce

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Eurovision Sertab Erener ile Türkiye 1. Oldu

Türkiye, Letonya'nın başkenti Riga'da yapılan 48'inci Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması'nda Sertab Erener'in seslendirdiği 'Every Way That I Can' adlı parçayla birinci oldu.

OLAY 21 yıl önce   tarihtebugun.org

OLAY Tarihte Bugün: 25 Mayıs 2003 Eurovision Sertab Erener ile Türkiye 1. Oldu

I feel you moving on a different course

Making a way for a distant cause

You say you love me and you roll your eyes

Turn to stare at the empty skies

I thought it was over and we passed all that

All we've done is to pass back to frame number one

Come on, now, now

I want to show you all again what it would be like

If you just let go and let me love you

Every way that I can

I'll try to make you love me again

Every way that I can

I'll give you all my love and then

Every way that I can

I'll cry, I'll try

Make you mine again

Hold me closer, oh, so good

You make me feel just like I should

I know what you're thinking: uhuh good

Now the rest of the world is overruled

Tell me what you see in other girls all around

Come on closer and tell me what you don't find here

Come on, now, now

I want to be the everything you've been missing out

Just let go and let me love you

Every way that I can

I'll try to make you love me again

Every way that I can

I'll give you all my love and then

Every way that I can

I'll cry, I'll die

Make you mine again

I'm in love with you

I'll do all you want me to

You make me want to huhuh

Make me want to huhuhuh

I'm in love with you

I'll do all you want me to

You make me want to huhuh

Make me want to huhuhuh

Nothing in the world that could stop me, no sir

Nothing in the world that could stop me, no sir

Nothing in the world that could stop me, no sir

Nothing in the world that could stop me, no sir

No, no, no, no, no

Every way that I can

I'll try to make you love me again

Every way that I can

I'll give you all my love and then

Every way that I can

I'll give you all my love and then

Every way that I can

I'll cry, I'll try

Make you mine again

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